daniel ornelas on mon 12 dec 05
Hello. Question(s): What kind of polishing wax should be used on burnished bisque?And, I made a
pinch piece, a widely opened vase with a burnished inner surface, I used Russian River red clay for
this. Is there any way I can stain the inner surface, maybe using a gel stain for wood, before I
polish it. I would like the contrast of a darker, polished interior to that of the rough exterior. My
goal is a stone-like finnish. Any advice would be appreciated. My e-mail address is;
danga61259@yahoo.com. Thanks, Daniel
lela martens on tue 13 dec 05
It depends on what the piece will be used for. Will it have to hold water?
Then it should be glazed inside.
If decorative only ,then don`t fire higher than about cone -minus 10
otherwise the work you have done to burnish will loose it`s sheen. You could
use a cold finish, varathain finish or a beeswax mixture with a touch of
turpentine, but be careful.
For staining ,try a simple wash of iron oxide, then wipe and you will get
colour and texture.
It`s one of those tiresome things people on the list have taught me..that
or another tiresome thing, depending on your fireing temps, a great stone
like glaze is bronze green in the archives..just don`t fire it too
high..cone 5 at the most,,..have been there, done that.
It really depends on what the goal is.
Floor wax also, if you can find it..stores here just don`t seem to sell it
anymore, or talk to a wood seller. That`s where I found a great wood finish
that does the job.
This one, that I`m almost out of is Clapman`s Beeswax Polish.
Good luck! from Lela who couldn`t figure out how the ancient black pots
could hold milk and be used for cooking without food poisioning.or
disintigrating,.still don`t have a real handle on it.Ulitamate answer..
check out what Vince says on the subject, there may be something in
archives.I`m talking off the
top of my hat, listening to Elton John concert at the same time.
>>Hello. Question(s): What kind of polishing wax should be used on burnished
>>bisque?And, I made a
>pinch piece, a widely opened vase with a burnished inner surface, I used
>Russian River red clay for
>this. Is there any way I can stain the inner surface, maybe using a gel
>stain for wood, before I
>polish it. I would like the contrast of a darker, polished interior to that
>of the rough exterior. My
>goal is a stone-like finnish. Any advice would be appreciated. My e-mail
>address is;
>danga61259@yahoo.com. Thanks, Daniel
>Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
>You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
>settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
>Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
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dannon rhudy on tue 13 dec 05
Daniel, if you have burnished the outside smoothly,
wax is not needed. Some like to use it to enhance
color a bit, though. I would suggest a natural carnuba
wax, such as Johnson's paste floor wax. Most liquid
waxes are mainly plastic. Many spray waxes are
silicone. If you use a paste wax, then whenever you
dust the piece it will renew the shine, if it has faded
a bit. Make sure that if you have washed the piece
after firing it is completely dry before any wax is
applied. If not, the piece will get a fuzzy and unpleasant
surface as the water dries and (sometimes) pushes
various salts out of the piece.
Dannon Rhudy
----- Original Message -----
From: "daniel ornelas"
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 8:07 PM
Subject: polishing a burnished surface
> Hello. Question(s): What kind of polishing wax should be used on burnished
bisque?And, I made a
> pinch piece, a widely opened vase with a burnished inner surface, I used
Russian River red clay for
> this. Is there any way I can stain the inner surface, maybe using a gel
stain for wood, before I
> polish it. I would like the contrast of a darker, polished interior to
that of the rough exterior. My
> goal is a stone-like finnish. Any advice would be appreciated. My e-mail
address is;
> danga61259@yahoo.com. Thanks, Daniel
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> ---
> ---
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