JOYCE LEE on sat 17 dec 05
Somehow I missed seeing Bacia's ewer on page 16 of Ceramics
Monthly Upfront column! Bacia constantly amazes me. She has her
own style and a fully developed voice, yes, but she changes all the
time. Just as I think, "I could spot Bacia's work anywhere!," there she
is with a pot on a page in CM which I stop to study because it's so
unusual, and whatta ya' know, it's a Bacia Edelman pot.. one of her
wheel-thrown, altered and wood-fired pieces.=20
To that extent she is being true to the work we expect of her. On the
other hand, I don't know how she does it but she takes the same
Bacia-ingredients and creates a new, current and exceptional piece.
I know how old Bacia is, but in her case the passing years just make
her work MORE ...... she's been in ceramic pubs for over 50 years,
and was a standout at Alfred as many years ago. Right, Bacia? If not,
if I have the years wrong, please let us know. Nothing trite or even =
and True for her. Standing on her laurels is not for Bacia. About the
time that we're all trying to do work inspired by her, she is onto =
new. Bacia is one of my sheroes for certain. =20
In the Mojave desert of California where we think it's cold brr cold but =
fact is we're still not wearing winter coats nor are many of us even =
socks on our sandaled feet.
Bacia Edelman on sun 18 dec 05
Well, thanks for the high praise, Joyce. I was pleased you took notice because
this could be my C.M. "swan song."
But I do have to take issue re any glory when I was a grad student at Alfred.
It took me a decade at least to find my "voice" or think I found it. I was
terribly lucky that my advisor, Charles Harder, and my major teacher, Dan
wrote me good letters for the job at U. of Illinois as I desperately needed
to earn money. I was busy
with the new job (new teaching jobs are even harder than old ones), marriage,
trips on my husband's Fullbright and other grants, raising babies, being called
back to sub at the Univ. of Ill. despite nepotism ruling. As I look back
at that period of my
work and the terrible slides I shot of it in those days, only the
sculpture, not the
pots seem to have any strength. The pots embarrass me.
But I thank you for the comments and you are very kind, Joyce.
One sidebar comes with years of work and occasional notice. I have been asked
three times recently to write letters of recommendation for other people in
one a temporary job application, one a promotion at a nearby college, and one
a few letters of recommendation for someone applying to graduate schools.
The writing doesn't come to me easily, but I guess I have to be
flattered. Why do the deadlines
come so soon for these letters though?
I know how old Bacia is, but in her case the passing years just make
her work MORE ...... she's been in ceramic pubs for over 50 years,
and was a standout at Alfred as many years ago. Right, Bacia? If not,
if I have the years wrong, please let us know. Nothing trite or even Tried
and True for her. Standing on her laurels is not for Bacia. About the
time that we're all trying to do work inspired by her, she is onto something
new. Bacia is one of my sheroes for certain.
Bacia Edelman
Madison, Wisconsin
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