Lili Krakowski on sat 17 dec 05
Permit me, but Wm Glasser and several other psychologists of the time =
did not deny the existence of mental illness. I have not read him since =
the mid-60s, when "Reality Therapy" appeared, so he may have changed =
evolved etc in his theories. But that is what he was saying then.
His point was (and that of others too) that too many behaviors were =
being treated as "illnesses". without any basis except that society had =
certain "norms" and if people who did not fit these norms, by gum, =
golly, and Freud they HAD to be sick. People no longer were thrown in =
the slammer for deviance, they went to the lunatic asylum. =20
I do not think that at any point Glasser and that general group denied =
that the brain could be damaged and strange behaviors result. But, at =
that time, and physicians like Tom Sawyer (haven't read you in a long =
time, Sir, and glad to have done so earlier this week) can tell you when =
things like CAT scans and similar came in, and when the chemistry of the =
brain started to be studied. Now we know that diverse chemical =
imbalances, and certain genetic traits (genes? or like that) affect =
behavior and states of mind. And, fortunately, we have medications that =
restore the balance....
The following drives me into such a rage that there is no point in =
detailing it. Let's just remember that Sade was put in a loony bin (no, =
he was not nice) and,from just reading a biography of Warhol, an earlier =
era might have put him in the next cell. Orgasm in women, and =
homosexuality in anyone were considered abnormal, as was masturbation, =
and the "treatments" for these "mental illnesses" unspeakable. =20
Let us also remember that up to recently spousal abuse, a 200 pound man =
pummeling a 100 pound woman because dinner was late, was considered =
"normal" and acceptable, as was the sterilization of teenage girls who =
had gotten pregnant out of wedlock, or were considered "promiscuous." =
Rape was considered the woman's fault, because, as some of you will =
remember , she "must have asked for it" and the rapist, poor soul, was =
not to blame.
Before I lose my cool entirely lynching was considered normal--not ill, =
not sick--behavior in parts of this country.=20
So it was clear from the very outset of standard psychiatry that =
behaviors were considered "normal," or "sick"depending on the =
definition Society put upon them.....=20
Glasser and his coevals in psychology focused on behavior...facing the =
responsibility of action...Not labeling things...
What about "Voyage to the Bunny Planet," by Rosemary Wells? A dear =
darling friend just sent it to me, a "discovery" she--a school =
librarian--made recently. It is a gem and jewel of 3 small (4.5" x 5.5 =
") slip cased volume book, deliciously illustrated and designed to make =
anyone more cheerful at the end of a terrible day. =20
Definitely an antidote to the facts above.
Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage
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