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updated sat 24 dec 05


Bonnie Staffel on thu 22 dec 05

Hi Patrick,

I was in North Carolina between 1985 and 1990 so my seeing Don Reitz
would have been during those dates. I don't believe I took any photos.
He was building a pot similar to one that he was famous for (a chimney
form on an upside down bowl on a right side up bowl) and on his huge
platters I remember him talking about that the refrigerator painting
meant something special to him, now forgotten by me, but he was very
interesting and told us a lot about his recovery. The refrigerator was
represented by a white rectangle on many of his works at that time. He
had a lot of symbols that were meaningful to him. His forms were very
strong and free maybe under the influence of Voulkos? Or were they
peers of the same "school?" Glad you found your photos. Can you show
them on Flickr or on your website?


Bonnie Staffel, on the countdown for Christmas as my kiln is firing the
last load to be opened Saturday. Then the mad scramble of finding boxes
and wrapping paper.
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