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pots thrown in sections.

updated wed 11 jan 06


Lili Krakowski on tue 10 jan 06

There was an excellent article on throwing in sections in Pottery Making =
Illustrated a while ago....

However. I have found that the difficulties of throwing in sections =
are: Knowing when to assemble. This really is touchy-gozeies as =
every clay is different. Also: how much slurry to use for joining. =
Also: drying slowly enough. I have not experienced difficulties in =
whether the pieces are assembled in the "direction" in which they were =
thrown...especially that I rib up and down a number to times after the =
pieces are joined. I have found that careful, careful, careful (did I =
mention careful?) drying is important.

Last: I have "felt" old pots made in sections (I live in Utica White =
land) and, where pieces are joined there definitely is a thicker ridge =
left. When I throw in sections I make a kind of lip so that the pieces =
interlock. This helps a lot. Ok. I have a rib with a round groove =
made with a round file. It creates a "lip" that looks like a question =
mark lying on its face. =20
For one section the ? faces this way, and for the other section the =
other way....The sections then interlock...

Lili Krakowski

Be of good courage