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richard aerni's cd

updated mon 16 jan 06


Russel Fouts on sat 14 jan 06

Hey, Richard.

This CD sounds like a great idea. Could share with the list what's on
it? Whatever details you want to share. Is it sort of, everything
you'd put in a portfolio?

Thanks in advance.


Richard Aerni on sun 15 jan 06

On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 21:25:00 +0100, Russel Fouts wrote:

>Hey, Richard.
>This CD sounds like a great idea. Could share with the list what's on
>it? Whatever details you want to share. Is it sort of, everything
>you'd put in a portfolio?

Hi Russell!
Good to hear from you again! I hope it is a great idea. The thought behind
it is to send something out that will represent my work and myself without
me having to show up at a show, and something that will represent me while I
am not present during the year. This year's presentation is strictly
limited to shots of my more recent work that I wish to wholesale. I've
included about 30 different items, and done a number of them several times,
with different glaze looks, to give the client an idea of the variations of
glazes and the choices apparent. I've found over the years that it's better
not to leave too much to the imagination. I've also included a commentary
in the PowerPoint presentation that tells item name, sizes available, prices
and what the names of the glazes are in the photo.
Last year's presentation also included a virtual tour of my new studio. I
did not include that this year, as this mailing is strictly a wholesale
effort. I have received several calls this year from galleries wanting
photos of myself working, and artist's statements, info, etc, as they are
trying to put more of a face on the work. So, later this year I will send
out yet another CD which will be of myself working in the studio, shots of
work in progress, kilns being loaded and unloaded, etc. It will be a way of
getting my work and my face back in front of the client without having to
make any of those awkward "touching base" calls, where you and the client
are both aware that you are really hoping for another order.
I don't think that any of this is groundbreaking or startlingly original. I
started doing this kind of thing in the early 1990s when I decided not to do
any more of the ACE Baltimore, or West Springfield wholesale shows. I knew
that I needed a way to keep my images and my face in front of my potential
clients. So, first I would do comprehensive slide sheets and informational
letters. Later on it morphed into VCR tapes of myself working in the
studio, explaining and demonstrating processes and philosophies, etc. I
found that many galleries used to have video screens in their shops and
would take promo info like this and loop it so that customers could view it
while shopping. Anything to get your work and your face in front of the
crowd. Now, I admit that I'm behind the curve when it comes to that
philosophy nowadays, at least in terms of a website. But, it is coming.
Hope that this answers your questions. I'd love to have a chance to meet
again and chat at a conference, like we did in Rochester, but that may have
to wait until NCECA is in Louisville (is that for certain yet?)
Richard Aerni
Rochester, NY