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teapot styles,.... in the mix

updated mon 16 jan 06


Pat Southwood on sun 15 jan 06

A celebration of the British Craft teapot.
isbn 0-903101-72-6

You did ask,

Richard Batterham.West Marshall, Richard Landy, Terry Bell Hughes, Jim =
Malone, Geoffrey Whiting, David Leach ,Ray Finch, Stehen Parry, Liz =
cameron, Philip Revel, John Leach, Richard Sanderson, Phil Rogers, =
Geoffrey Eastrop, Mick Casson , Jonathan Keep ( my tutor) Hannah =
Whitworth, Janice Tchalenko, Wally Keeler.

Who led and who followed, who knows..or indeed cares ? all good =
pots....around a theme......=20

Pat Southwood=20