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re jharrisglassart's...spam...privacy concerns.....not any more -

updated tue 17 jan 06


pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on mon 16 jan 06

Noiw, Craig's mentions

Hi Craig,

Nice mentions...

A little more amid them...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Clark"

> As far as the content of e-mail goes keep in mind that there simply in
> NOT any form of privacy in cyberspace. If big brother, or some hacker
> for that matter, wants to find out basically anything that has been
> floated out there then they are able to do so. There is a distinct
> possibility that our very own, recently caught spying on US citizens,
> NSA, may have in their zeal basically done an enormous vacuming of info,
> shook the can, and then looked at what fell out. There is no longer any
> privacy.

Yes...and likely what 'they' have been 'caught' at is merely one tip of one
Ice Berg.

'fema' whom no one seems to apprehend at all other than in vague
associations of pocket-protector guys in appliance-white Vans pulling up to
Tornado paths to frown and make clip-board one ( "1" ) insideous
and sneaky super-monster beurocracy and has long made it their multi
guh-zillion dollar hobby to know "everything in every way" about 'everyone'.

Then, their skeletal-pretense of serving the disaster afflicted showed only
too well in the Katrina hit areas, where, say, the Salvation Army could have
run rings around them and then some if allowed to have done so.

Or private people organizeing themselves extempore, even as they tried To
do, could have done so much 'better' than 'fema' if allowed to have done so.

They were not 'allowed' to do so, and were turned away or arrested or that whole several hundred member 'Swamp Boat' flotilla
that wanted to bring in drinking water and food and get people "out" who
wanted TO get out,. and to keep in it indeffinitely. They got read 'The Riot
Act' by various glock-wielding flack vest wearing yuppie g-men scmucks and
'fema' hacks.

I think a local Sherrif's boys popped a handful of these creeps and left it
to get lost in the shuffle.

That, and more...'fema' is into much more, much more in many other areas of
secret, approximately secret, classified, sneaky, dishonorable, and overall
not disclosed or upfront of their larger mission and endevors...

We been had...

> This is not paranoia. Just listen to some of the questions that were
> asked about this very question during Judge Alitos confimation hearings.

I have been missing all of that and have no familiarity with this 'alitos'
person, (I do not watch tee-vee or read the 'papers' and been too buisy to
listen nights to the radio, ) so...

Anyway, interesting times...

Not that that redeems them, but, 'interesting' anyway...

> Craig Dunn Clark

Best wishes...

el ve