Nan Thurn Kitchens on mon 23 jan 06
I have a backup reservation for a double queen
non smoking room (with refrigerator/microwave)
reserved at the Red Lion for NCECA 2006
Tues pm through Sunday am.
Anyone want dibs on it before I cancel?
email me offline or call please.....
Nan Thurn Kitchens
Architectural Clayworks
Key Largo Florida 33037
Nottingham Arts on sat 4 mar 06
I have an extra room at the Red lion Tue-Sun. ( you don't have to take
the whole time I think ).
email me directly at ( Do not use the email
address on the header of this message: as
it will recieve Clayart posts only and no personal emails ).
Terry Sullivan
Nottingham Center for the Arts
San Marcos, CA
Personal phone: (760) 471-2120
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