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comverting old electric - soda and ifb

updated thu 26 jan 06


Vince Pitelka on tue 24 jan 06

For the potter who does occasional soda firings now and then, an ITC sprayed
IFB soda kiln will give you lots of firings, and since this is a junk kiln
anyway, you don't really have anything to loose. For the serious potter
wanting to fire all their work in soda, IFB is a bad choice, because there
is no coating available that will protect the kiln over time with heavy use.
We've had a series of IFB crossdraft soda kilns here at the Craft Center,
but no more. I'm tired of rebuilding them every 3-4 years. We just rebuilt
the soda kiln with hardbrick inside, softbrick outside.
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee Technological University
Smithville TN 37166, 615/597-6801 x111,