alan moon on sun 5 feb 06
The rope on the Korean kickwheel is for stability. Besides the central =
shaft there are four sticks (thin posts) between the head and the foot. =
these are wrapped with rope for strength. I was trying to throw on one =
last Sept. in Mungyeong-eup (where the Japanese invaders were stopped =
during the Pottery Wars 1592-1598). With no weight in the wheel you have =
to kick continuously, no mean feat. If you want to try, the =
Mungyeoun-eup Chasabal (tea and teabowl) Festival and Workshop is =
extending an open invitation to potters. Its free, and you can also, =
using traditional methods make your own clay, have your work fired in a =
4 chambered wood kiln, help repair a 150 year old family kiln using =
traditional methods, visit the 20 local climbing kilns and studios, see =
demonstrations and presentations and if you want have some of your work =
displayed. The Festival runs Apr.30-May 8. For more info you can contact =
me, or try (korean =
language) or might have something.
I have decided to attend.
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