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debris in recycled clay

updated thu 9 feb 06


Abby O'Connell on wed 8 feb 06

We recycled clay here in our studio (Mother Earth Clay Art Center) and
have a problem on which I'd like your thoughts. What is the best way to
keep debris out of the recycled clay? We have one bin for clay scraps
(typically leather hard for the most part) as well as a clay rinse
bucket (~33 gal) for capturing the slop from splash pans. We have a
screen in the clay rinse bucket to keep the odd rib or chamois from
sinking into the mire, but nothing in the scrap bin. We are forever
pulling out metal twisty ties or metal ribs or even broken bisqueware
(despite signs cautioning people to be careful about what they throw
out) from the clay as it is being mixed. In our warehouse we have a
mixer and a pugmill which we use to prepare the clay for reuse.

Any suggestions as to how to keep that debris down? I'd prefer your
answers off line to .

Thanks and hope to see you all at NCECA!

Abby O'Connell