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backing up e-mails - outlook express (was: re: semi-ot: do yourself a

updated sat 11 feb 06


Helen Bates on thu 9 feb 06

3 ring favor.)

Here are 3 web pages with information about backing up e-mails in
Outlook Express:;EN-US;q270670

Interesting - I'd not done this myself until now. (Don't use OE much.)

Another trick is to highlight posts in a folder and get them combined
and saved in a single file. I'll let you who are interested play
around with that for yourselves. ;) Helen

Note: Address any reply by copying and pasting (removing the underscores) into the e-mail address input space. DO NOT hit "Reply", as replies to the nelbanell address will end up in the Spam folder and may be deleted without being read. (Though I try to find legitimate posts when I have time.)

Helen Bates (Belleville, Ontario, Canada)
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