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attention clayarters reading via the website - issue: mail/nomail

updated mon 13 feb 06


Helen Bates on sat 11 feb 06


I have been trying to ferret out what the problem may be that is
keeping mail from being sent from the List to Bill Edwards.

Amongst a number of issues I have explored, I have most recently
wondered if the problem has to do with his at some point or other
having set his subscription to "NOMAIL."

To check this out, I tried resetting my own subscription, which has
been set to "NOMAIL" for several months, back to "MAIL." I have been
unsuccessful after several tries today, even when I have unsubscribed
then resubscribed.

If there is anyone reading this from the website because they have set
their membership to "NOMAIL", I would appreciate it if you would e-mail
me, preferably privately, to let me know if you have recently tried to
resume receiving mail, whether "Regular", "Digest", or "Index."

If so, I would be interested in knowing if you were successful, and any
details that you can remember, such as whether you were able to do this
from the web site, or used the e-mail route to the listserv software.

I have visited the web page for joining, leaving and changing settings,
and there seems to be no input line for the command "set clayart mail."
Therefore, I used e-mail, and this route seemingly worked, but I am
not receiving a thing, even though I have the regular settings, ie:
receiving all the posts as separate e-mails.

Thanks in advance,


Note: Address any reply by copying and pasting (removing the underscores) into the e-mail address input space. DO NOT hit "Reply", as replies to the nelbanell address will end up in the Spam folder and may be deleted without being read. (Though I try to find legitimate posts when I have time.)

Helen Bates (Belleville, Ontario, Canada)
Clayarters' Websites:

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Bill Edwards on sun 12 feb 06

I am here through coming to yahoo groups. Helen sent me this since I
am not getting any mail at all from clayart under any conditions. I
even had the IP re-check and changed by my server and re-subbed as
well as re-checked all options through yahoo and other software. I
have never set my mail account to 'nomail' in all the years I have
been a member. Just one day it all stopped back around October or so
and then by November it was dead in the water and not even a nibble of
mail has came since. For whatever reason it appears the server has
blacklisted the name/address? I will give it a few days and also have
Paul Jackson who works for the University computer department go back
over this one more time and then try another account if need be.

Helen and a few others have worked diligently trying to help me find
resolve. If this is happening to me, it has had to happen to others. I
don't even get confirmations so clearly there is an address drop
somewhere between here and there even if all options are turned off on
this end. Paul is slick on servers and programming and since we have
talked about this he is perplexed till he digs in there and sorts out
what it might possibly be. Like I said, no changes were made, ever!

Bill Edwards

--- In, Helen Bates wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been trying to ferret out what the problem may be that is
> keeping mail from being sent from the List to Bill Edwards.
> Amongst a number of issues I have explored, I have most recently
> wondered if the problem has to do with his at some point or other
> having set his subscription to "NOMAIL."
> To check this out, I tried resetting my own subscription, which has
> been set to "NOMAIL" for several months, back to "MAIL." I have been
> unsuccessful after several tries today, even when I have unsubscribed
> then resubscribed.
> If there is anyone reading this from the website because they have set
> their membership to "NOMAIL", I would appreciate it if you would e-mail
> me, preferably privately, to let me know if you have recently tried to
> resume receiving mail, whether "Regular", "Digest", or "Index."
> If so, I would be interested in knowing if you were successful, and any
> details that you can remember, such as whether you were able to do this
> from the web site, or used the e-mail route to the listserv software.
> I have visited the web page for joining, leaving and changing settings,
> and there seems to be no input line for the command "set clayart mail."
> Therefore, I used e-mail, and this route seemingly worked, but I am
> not receiving a thing, even though I have the regular settings, ie:
> receiving all the posts as separate e-mails.
> Thanks in advance,
> Helen
> Note: Address any reply by copying and pasting
(removing the underscores) into the e-mail address input space. DO
NOT hit "Reply", as replies to the nelbanell address will end up in
the Spam folder and may be deleted without being read. (Though I try
to find legitimate posts when I have time.)
> Helen Bates (Belleville, Ontario, Canada)
> Clayarters' Websites:
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> Send postings to clayart@...
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at melpots@...