Vince Pitelka on sun 12 feb 06
Barb -
I appreciate the message you sent below, but you wouldn't have seen any
images of my work in the "Up in Smoke" panel discussion. I was to be the
moderator, and thus would only be giving a brief opening statement, and then
would be introducing the panelists - they are all extraordinary potters -
John Baymore, Susan Beecher, and Gari Whelan, and it will be an excellent
panel discussion no matter what. If I am unable to be there, we will find
another moderator.
Best wishes -
- Vince
> I hope you're up and around and feeling better very soon. As a novice
> potter, I was hoping to get to attend your panel discussion at NCECA. To
> educate myself on the presenters, demonstraters, etc. I had done internet
> research on each one and determined the ones whose work I liked best and
> the "must sees" since there is so much going on. You, Vince, are on my
> must
> see list. I hope that I won't have to wait for Louisville to see you, but
> the most important thing is that you take care of yourself and mend.
> Wishing you well,
> Barb Lord
Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee Technological University
Smithville TN 37166, 615/597-6801 x111,
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