clennell on thu 16 feb 06
We just refired the dogs from our latest woodfiring and they're sweet little
puppies now. Flashing where there appeared to be anemic white dead fish
flesh. I took the gas kiln up slowly to 1200F and because this was all wood
ash glaze i didn't do my normal 012 reduction for carbon trapping/copper
red. I started medium reduction at 1830F around 06 and fired to 10 down.
Because i didn't have a complete load I put in a large vase glazed in carbon
trap shino that had been hanging around the workshop for about a month. It
came out as black as a coal miner!
My theories on carbon trapping down the ivory thrown. We maintained you must
glaze and load carbon trap shino the same day and get the pilots on and that
heavy reduction at 012 and certainly before 010 is best. both of these
theories proved to be untrue. So my friends don't ask me nuttin'. You're on
your own.
There is really nothing in this business that I know for sure.
Tony and Sheila Clennell
Sour Cherry Pottery
4545 King Street
Beamsville, Ontario
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