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recipes: sharing or not

updated mon 20 feb 06


Lili Krakowski on sun 19 feb 06

Wait a minute, please, before we get into another at-loggerheads row.

I, for one, share all my recipes, on the [correct] assumption that =
anyone who gives as much as a ten-minute whirl to it will know what is =
what. And I strongly believe that every recipe known to mankind has =
been published already--except for those that integrate "new" materials. =
(Wollastonite, for instance, was not available to potters in my early =
days, so recipes using it were "new." )=20

However. As firmly as I believe in my right to share my glazes, post =
them on billboards even, I believe as firmly that those who do not want =
to share them are entitled to. And those who went to the trouble of =
writing and self-publishing a book, are as entitled to their "privacy" =
as I am to my views. (Just as, if I went to NCECA, I would not expose =
my cleavage, as apparently some plan/like to do.)

It must be added that Ron and John's recipes appear to depend on the =
"ramping" of digital kilns (I do not have any, so do not know) and that =
it is THAT part, rather than the recipes proper that is "different".

Furthermore: while recipes as such cannot be copyrighted, cookbooks can =
and are--for the simple reason that the presentation, organization and =
so on can be copyrighted. Vide supra (Gee, did I get cultured at Hunter =
High! just like yoghurt some days!)

I personally think (Cannonball the Cat may disagree) that everyone who =
plans to fire at c.6 should have Ron/John's book "Mastering the Art =
[etc]" as well as Michael Bailey's "Glazes Cone 6" especially if new =
to clay, new to glazes, new to thinking about glazes and their whys and =
wherefores. =20

And the whole thing reminds me of a scene in "Butterfield 8" a fine =
novel by John O'Hara who never got the recognition he deserves--writes =
circles around Hemingway and Fitzgerald together as far as I am =
concerned--in which a lady of the night uses her john's toothbrush--and =
he flies into a rage--and she points out they ahve had far more intimate =
contact than that involved with a toothbrush....In other words--it is =
surprising what people will share and won't and why...and asparagus =
should not be cast....

Lili Krakowski

Be of good courage