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throwers, can i really afford this?

updated mon 20 feb 06


steve bogue on sat 18 feb 06

After a decade and a half of slinging, I'm not sure what could be better
sitting on your butt and throwing a bijillion whatevers. It wasen't until I
was a piecewok guy throwing and trimming 40 hours a week, I began to
understand some finer notions of ceramic functionalism aka pottery.
Traditional container and cookwares are fine balance of local materials,
moderate technology , vernacular style, and more often than not sold too
cheap. However, it was the technical and economical constraints that forced
potters to simply make due with what's hand. In a sense, the banality of
pragmatism was always in the drivers seat. That is until the rise of 16th
century european fashion and aisian trade helped create an industrial
economy. History aside, the same tenants have always applied. The context
has always guided the choices within the object. eg. How much time can I
spend throwing this milk pan. Often though, what isn't there is as
intresting as what is. Outside of conscience polemical choices, time is
money. In western culture that hasen't changed . The economic balances that
throwers and all craftspeople have had to make have been the same forever.
How much latitude can I afford to luxery? It is in large part what created
the foundations of ceramic language.

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