Dawn on tue 21 feb 06
I really need a great cone 6 dark cobalt glaze recipe. Have been testing
but running out of time for my customer's request. I just mixed MC6 zinc
base and added 2 and 3% cobalt but haven't fired it yet. Any other
suggestions? Clay Grigsby had a wonderful cobalt glaze a few years ago.
Clay, are you there and do you share? Any help appreciated.
Dawn in Tennessee
Gary Harvey on wed 22 feb 06
I used 4% cobalt carbonate with 3% copper carbonate and MC6G clear base 2.
I don't know if it is stable. It should be because it in the limits of a
good glaze. I have not seen any crazing or other dangerous things. I used
it on non food surfaces. Taylor Hendrix uses the same two colorants with
the 20% base from Tony Hansen.
Go here for recipe. Gary Harvey, Palestine TX
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dawn"
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:26 AM
Subject: need cone 6 cobalt glaze
>I really need a great cone 6 dark cobalt glaze recipe. Have been testing
> but running out of time for my customer's request. I just mixed MC6 zinc
> base and added 2 and 3% cobalt but haven't fired it yet. Any other
> suggestions? Clay Grigsby had a wonderful cobalt glaze a few years ago.
> Clay, are you there and do you share? Any help appreciated.
> Dawn in Tennessee
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