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posting glazes: is there a better way? i think so.

updated sat 25 feb 06


Dick & Mary Walker on fri 24 feb 06

John, Ron, John and all others:

Isn't enough, enough? There must be a compromise out there some place. He=
re maybe is another starting point for I suspect there is no real end, and =
with the following opinion and 90 cents you probably still can't buy a desc=
ent cup of coffee. John and Ron colaborated to present a wealth of informa=
tion and jumping off point to work with ^6 glazes. In fact, two of my stud=
io glazes that I consistently use were created with the help from formula's=
from their work, though tweeked a bit to create the colorations I was loo=
king for. With that said, I see absolutely no reason for either to post th=
eir work in a public forum on the internet, nor do I think anyone has the r=
ight to request that they do so. By the same token I fail to see any reaso=
n why anyone who wishes to should not post formula's if they choose to do s=
o. I suspect that most formula's posted are ones that have worked well for=
the posting potter. Why would anyone post one that they had not had succe=
ss with? No, I am not nieve, but chances are all those who post are trying =
to do is unselfishly participate in, and help our community. Posting the =
information that we have, regarding the glaze, as suggested in another resp=
onse certainly would be helpful, appropriate, and a courtesy to others who =
may use it. At that point we, as potter's must take the responsibility for=
the use of the formula, whether that involves different testing for colorf=
astness, scratching, leeching, washing, heating in the micro, etc., or mark=

Let us appreciate the contribution of John and Ron, use the knowledge they =
have shared with us in their book and over the net, but most importantly ta=
ke responsibility and not be so critical of all the wonderful people who sh=
are the love of clay and give so willingly of their knowledge. In the same=
breath we can use all the "constructive criticism" we can get.

Love this forum and be sure to "stay high on pots."

Dick Walker
Muddy Duck Pottery