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surfing with helen bates - february 25, 2006 - spain, switzerland,

updated mon 27 feb 06


Helen Bates on sat 25 feb 06


Surfing with Helen Bates - February 25, 2006 - Spain, Switzerland,


The Swiss Ceramics Association (Switzerland) (English, French, German)
(Very large, accessible site, with an onsite gallery plus links to
members' websites.) (Artists: Bettina Baumann, Bernadette Baumgartner,
Philippe Barde, Brigitta Briner, Angela Burkhardt-Guallini, Line
Choffet, Laure-Anne de Weck, Sonja Duo-Meyer, Monique
Duplain-Juillerat, Violette Fassbaender, Peter Fink, Bruno Fischer,
Christine Fotsch-Rivon, Ursula Frueh, Anita Furrer, Sandra Häuptli,
Meinrad Hollenstein, Brigit Hurst, Stefan Jakob, Regula
Kaeser-Bonanomi, Doris Kamber-Brüschweiler, Patrick King, Lavabo
Lavabelle, Rebecca Maeder, Verena Meier, Aschi Rüfenacht, Jürg
Schneider, Theres Stämpfli, Monika Stocker, Bettina von Lerber)

The Berne Ceramics Forum (Berne, Switzerland) (Altavista Babelfish Translation)
(Artists: Christin Beck, Sophie Benz-Hofmann, Fredi Benz, Beatrice
Brew, Brigitta Briner, Michele Cesta, Erika Fankhauser Schurch,
Isabelle Muller, Martha Hofer, walter Hofer, Regula Kaeser Bonanomi,
Eduard Kohler, Anna Ludi, Rebecca Maeder, Verena Meier, Isabelle
Muller, Barbara Schwarzwalder, Margret Schwab, Beat Stahli)

Elisabeth Wischeropp (Bremen, Germany) (Google translation)
(A fine sculptor of figural busts, and maker of vessels)

Jordi Aguade (Barcelona, Spain)
(English, Catalan, Castillian Spanish)
(Catalan ceramic dinnerware designer and producer) (Sophisticated and
simple forms and patterns) (Pattern designers are credited.)


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Helen Bates (Belleville, Ontario, Canada)
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