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hot pink specs in cobalt wash in a base with zircopax

updated sun 5 mar 06


Alisa Liskin Clausen on fri 3 mar 06

>Your tests are way, way beyond mine

>(I'm still doing rutile! Just did

>some more comparing sieved with

>unsieved mixes ...)

Hi Steven,

I do not about that, because your testing on Rutile can lead me to what I am
looking for. I have discovered that I like the effects on color that
addition of Rutile give some of my glazes. However, after these opacity
tests and some reading, I think I want to drop the Iron Oxide and work with
just the Titanium for both color and crystal formation. Cool stuff.

As for the hot pink crystals, I am going to get a photo soon so you can see
them. They came out in my base with Zircopax.

The pink fuming I saw came from Tin in my bases.

I would appreciate anyone's feedback on the pink specs if they have some

Let us get back to it. I am interested also in seeing more Cobalt under the
Dolita Base and Bailey's clear with 5 to 10 Titanium. Both showed green,
but Dolita base with 10 Titanium, the crystals are prominent.

Got to go deliver the forgotten lunch box.

Regards from Alisa in a very white Denmark

Steve Slatin on fri 3 mar 06

Dear Alisa --

I do know a very little about zirconia. cobalt
in zirconia makes a violet stone (very
attractive!) chrome gives green, and copper gives
yellow. I believe several of the
cobalt carbonates minerals are pink, but there
shouldn't be much if any carbonate left in a
glaze after a firing, and I'm still stumped (but
intrigued!) by your pink crystals.

My current thinking with regard to rutile is that
the size of the particles may be extremely
significant in the way that it reacts (particle
size has a lot to do with when various chemicals
enter the melt, and so on). I did some limited
testing previously with substituting Ti and Fe
for rutile, and some things you'd expect to
happen just didn't.

Best wishes -- Steve S

--- Alisa Liskin Clausen

> As for the hot pink crystals, I am going to get
> a photo soon so you can see
> them. They came out in my base with Zircopax.
> The pink fuming I saw came from Tin in my
> bases.

Steve Slatin --

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as my life is done in watermelon sugar.

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