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ot: web pages and spelling

updated sun 19 mar 06


Lili Krakowski on sat 18 mar 06

I am the sort who feels like correcting the spelling on flyers, sandwich
boards--and especially web pages.

What is the etiquette? Does one write a Web Pager whose product one
"supports" and say the "h" and the "i" Paragraph two line five have been
Lili Krakowski

Be of good courage

Daniel Semler on sat 18 mar 06

Hi Lili,

As one who runs a couple of sites, I would say sure let them know. Even
relatively simple sites have more content that can easily be proofed and the
webmaster is not always the best person to do it. Give the URL (web
address) of
the page and describe as accurately as you can where the error is.
Whether they
correct it or not is, of course, another matter.


Helen Bates on sat 18 mar 06

Replace "nelbanell" with "yelbanell" in your reply to avoid
having your mail treated as Spam.

On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 06:37:52 -0500, Lili Krakowski

>I am the sort who feels like correcting the spelling on flyers, sandwich
>boards--and especially web pages.

On average, I write about errors found on one site or another about once a
month. Most often the errors that concern me are mis-directed links, though
I might not rule out mentioning a typo or spelling error if the site is not
riddled with them. (In the latter case, I think their "best friend" might
try telling them, but not me!)

Sometimes I contact the owner, at other times the webmaster. I don't
usually write to the web designer, unless the designer is also the webmaster.

Those who reply have always said "Thanks" and have usually made the
suggested change(s), if possible, within hours.

Another type of complaint has to do with web pages that don't display well
in one or another browser that I habitually use. In that case, it really
depends on the purpose of the site and the particular page, whether making
the changes is either desirable or possible. That's always going to be the
owner's call.


Vince Pitelka on sat 18 mar 06

> What is the etiquette? Does one write a Web Pager whose product one
> "supports" and say the "h" and the "i" Paragraph two line five have been
> transposed?

Dear Lili -
Yes, by all means, you should write to the person who hosts the webpage and
tell them of the spelling error. As usual, you can start by complimenting
them on their webpage or their artwork or whatever, and then say "By the
way, when I was perusing your webpage I noticed a spelling error on . . . .
" etc.
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee Technological University
Smithville TN 37166, 615/597-6801 x111,