David Woof on tue 11 apr 06
Sue, Brent peddles don't like dust and dampness. there are several things
that can go wrong with several components, or it could be simply out of
"trim" adjustment. Continental Clay in Mpls, Mn. has a Tech that can walk
you thru diagnosis/repair and they have great prices on this stuff.
I have a Brent B that I bought in 1981. Had difficulties in Wisconsin
humidity till I gave the peddle a wooden pad (1 1/2 inch) to keep it off the
concrete floor. good idea to rest your other foot on an equal height block
for hip, pelvic and spine balance. Over the years I had to replace a trim
pot and another time a resister type component. You can do the replacement
with a screwdriver. Continental took good care of me.
Had a Radio Shack electro-nerd chart the values on the brent components, and
after a search, he told me there were no substitutes and no replacements
manufactured except under control of Brent.
At that time in early 1980's we were sending Brent peddles to Brent for
repair at around $200.00 US. Then I found a source at Continental Clay at
considerable savings and tech support.
Wishing your wheel a speedy recovery,
David Woof Studio
Clarkdale, Arizona
Ph. 928-821-3747 Fax. 866-881-3461
peering over the edge, reverently taking an irreverent look at everything.
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