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phooey, no camera

updated sat 22 apr 06


Alisa Liskin Clausen on fri 21 apr 06

I made a bunch of tests and I would like to write about them. I would
really like to take pictures of them as well. But I cannot. I went to my
daughter's Spring concert and took photos of her 6th grade class singing
Mustang Salley. Mind you, in our little Danish Public school, they were
singing, Moostang Salloo.

In my parental glee, I apparently left my digital camera on the seat next
to mine. I called the school and no one returned the camera. I am bummed.

Why can't people, like parents, be honest. I think I would notice if
Helene was suddendly toting a digital camera. I am assuming a parent
would not steal from their kid's school. Naive perhaps.

Oh, I am bummed. So, no photos for now.

Best regards from Alisa in Denmank