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wheel pricing

updated mon 1 may 06


Kristin Yount on sun 30 apr 06


I got a great deal from the right person at the right time working at
the local clay/supply shop.
They sold me a used (but in great condition) model K Lockerbie for $450.
I'd like to add that they never offered to help me carry the SOB down
the stairs to my basement though!
Have you heard of people gaining impossible strength in times of crisis?
I swear I moved it myself.

I have seen the same for $600 in Seattle and neither had motors. I hope
that helps.

I also have a York and it is really hard to center more than a couple
of pounds.
The whole unit weighs about 40lbs (in the morning before the demo) and
50 lbs at 11PM when I am unloading my car.
So the fly wheel just can't keep going while you are touching whatever
clay you have on the head.
Even when you have had to master the art of kicking while you have your
hands on the clay.
You really have to lock you arms in because your body moves when you kick.
I give my self extra credit for that but it is just a trick.

BTW- I only use kick wheels and I like a slow wheel.
So my point is if you can only throw 3 lbs of clay on a York before you
are having to kick almost constantly
and you can center 20 (or more) pounds on the Amaco without kicking
incessantly then it might actually be worth $1000.

Kristin Yount!
Not getting ready for Ceramics showcase in Portland writing to y'all

Elizabeth Priddy on sun 30 apr 06

Thanks for the input on the numbers.

Regarding the york, I have bought and passed on 7 over
time and I love them.

I can center and throw about 15 lbs on them, but I
work very soft clay very slowly. If I had my
druthers, I would just work on it all the time, but if
I am cranking out some production, like for my kiln
opening on July 3 [ ! ], I use the electric for that
and set the york up with a giffen grip for a constant
trimming station.

It really does require very soft clay, though. with
that, you can throw a hump to rough center and throw
small demo pieces all day.

Thanks again,


Elizabeth Priddy

Beaufort, NC - USA

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