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firing iron reds and copper

updated thu 11 may 06


Jenny Chicone on mon 8 may 06

I am a somewhat new to the world of ceramics. I have been taking classes
for a year and have recently set up a clay studio in my home with a small
electric kiln. I have made lots of test tiles and have noticed that when I
fire pieces with a copper glaze, the neighboring pieces have evidence of
the copper color on them. I have also heard that greens and reds should not
be fired together. If this is true, does that mean you can fire them in the
kiln during the same firing, but keep them separated, --on different
shelves? Or, does it mean that you need to fire copper glazed items in a
separate firing? I have lots of pieces with Iron red based glazes on them
and a few pieces with the copper based glaze. Ideally, I would like to put
them in the kiln during the same firing. Is this a bad idea?

Thanks for any thoughts that you have on this topic.

Jenny Chicone

Ron Roy on wed 10 may 06

Hi Jenny,

Copper fumes off pots during a firing - so does chrome.

Perhaps - if you keep the copper and chrome at the top of the kiln -
because heat rises - you may not have the problem.

Chrome can be a real problem if you are trying to fire a glaze with tin in
it - chrome and tim make red.


>I am a somewhat new to the world of ceramics. I have been taking classes
>for a year and have recently set up a clay studio in my home with a small
>electric kiln. I have made lots of test tiles and have noticed that when I
>fire pieces with a copper glaze, the neighboring pieces have evidence of
>the copper color on them. I have also heard that greens and reds should not
>be fired together. If this is true, does that mean you can fire them in the
>kiln during the same firing, but keep them separated, --on different
>shelves? Or, does it mean that you need to fire copper glazed items in a
>separate firing? I have lots of pieces with Iron red based glazes on them
>and a few pieces with the copper based glaze. Ideally, I would like to put
>them in the kiln during the same firing. Is this a bad idea?
>Thanks for any thoughts that you have on this topic.
>Jenny Chicone

Ron Roy
15084 Little Lake Road
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0