Elizabeth Priddy on sat 13 may 06
About banding:
I could do two full days of class on banding, wash
application and decorative strokes and never touch the
elements of painting anything representaional. There
is so much to learn and practice. I could double the
money people make on their fuc=nctional ware in one
weekend. People love decorative details. Why do you
think wally world sells so many pots hand painted in
Thailand and other countries where toll-type painting
is considered something beyond ceramics?
I see people, dab dab dabbing at their pots and it
makes me want to take their brushes from them and tell
them they only get to dip glaze from now on!
And there they sit holding their pot, dabbing at it,
with a $40 banding wheel in front of them with random
stuff sitting on it.
Talk about AARGH!
Elizabeth Priddy
Beaufort, NC - USA
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Mert & Holly Kilpatrick on tue 16 may 06
I know you can't teach brushwork over Clayart, but do you have any
suggestions for practice exercises that you would recommend?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
>About banding:
>I could do two full days of class on banding, wash
>application and decorative strokes and never touch the
>elements of painting anything representaional. There
>is so much to learn and practice
>I see people, dab dab dabbing at their pots and it
>makes me want to take their brushes from them and tell
>them they only get to dip glaze from now on!
Elizabeth Priddy on tue 16 may 06
The first thing to practice is controlling the amount
of water on the brush. If you can't get all the way
around the pot you want to band with one swoop, you
end up with those "join" marks that are considered
quite ugly.
The first practice would be to load the brush you want
for banding with water and try to hold it steady for
one complete turn around the pot.
A bisque pot will do. But the brush is most
important. A floppy loose goat hair brush is a good
choice for this. Also a Hake brush, which is used on
the side for banding.
That's a place to start. Band that same bisque pot
with water until you could get all the way around with
one stroke.
To band:
You need a banding wheel. A throwing wheel will do,
but the banding wheel is turned by hand from
underneath. You put the wheel at eye height and hold
your brush in a crane position, elbow at your
side,wrist at about your shoulder, if the brush handle
is long enough, you can put the end of it on your
shoulder. When banding, you don't move the brush, you
move the pot. You can put it right side up or upside
down, You spin the wheel slow and sready with your
left hand with the grip underneath the wheel head or
on slow for a wheel. You can tap center or use a
giffen grip, but the pot needs to be centered.
You spin, apply the brush as it turns, then lightly
remove it when it touches itself.
Next exercise is to make two marks one inch apart from
each other and then fill in the space between them.
You make the two solid lines first and fill in the
spaces where the x'x are.
That will get you head and shoulders above move of
thedabblong marks out there.
People will be so impressed when they watch you do it.
Elizabeth Priddy
Beaufort, NC - USA
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