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clayart survey/video test

updated thu 18 may 06


DAYTON GRANT on wed 17 may 06

Hello everyone
I have just touched down in
Berkeley California after another
cosmic adventure, so
please excuse my 'choppy' participation, and
I still dont know how to really operate a
computer correctly nor do I have the bucks right now to
get all the 'good stuff' for my 100$ computer so
Im just working with what I have for now, so,
I took the survey and
I liked the question about sharing pictures,
Im testing out my new website
specializing in wheel throwing where
I will be anwering throwing questions
on video as well as
giving lectures and
video workshops etc.,
anyway this is my website under construction,
just click on the link to
watch the test video and if anyone likes it,
tell me what you would like to see next and
Ill put up a video of it the next day,
just to see how it goes or if anyones interested,
so check it out thanx,
Dayton in Berkeley (formerly L.A.)