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cone 1 phenomenon glazes

updated fri 19 may 06


david moynihan on thu 18 may 06

jm2 (mkh 39) Macrocrystalline cone 1
frit 3110 43
zinc oxide 23
silica 16
lithium carb 9
laguna borate (gerstley) 9

"Yep, it grows crystals. Nice ones if you give it time."

Hey folks,
I spent a time firing a transport size gas kiln to cone 1(no reduction). Imitated high temp quite well and often.
I used alot of Lithium. As stated on here before too much in one glaze will cause problems....lots of problems. My trick was to go to less Lithium......under %1.5 but go to a larger size particle. We purchased "crystaline" lithium carb as opposed to pulverized. This way we got less but larger crystal clusters, no or atleast manageable shivering and crazing. For those pots with high hopes, I had a coulple of kilos of Lithium carb that was rock salt size. I would treat this like wood ash on wet glazes. Sometimes placing one "rock" at a time on the shoulder, spout, etc. etc..
Did the same particle size trick with copper, manganeese, rutile/illmenite, kyanite, anything I could really. In the 12hr cold to cold firings we did the large crystals didn't have time to spread very far. Don't know what they would do in a slower cycle.
have fun,

david in london