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walker pugmill going fast!!

updated thu 25 may 06


Sally Guger on wed 24 may 06

Hey everyone,

The school district decided to put the old Walker pugmill on their website under "Items for Sale." This good 'ole Walker will be sold to the highest bidder- June 5th is the last day to submit a bid.

I've been talking about this machine and asking if parts are still available- right now everything works- I think there is a broken blade at one end or the other, but it still does a good job of pugging. There is a forward and reverse switch, and a safety "kill" lever you can hit with your knee.

The "spider" doesn't need replacing yet- and I think the art teacher retiring purchased an extra one from the people that bought out the rest of the Walker parts. Previous postings will tell you about getting any part you need from Grainger- I don't know first hand about this.

At this time, it needs nothing- the motor works just fine, etc. (Being sold "as is" of course.)
Hopefully someone will give us a decent bid so we can put the money towards a machine that is safe for students!! happy bidding. Sally.

If the above link doesn't work for some reason, type in "Sauk Prairie Schools" on your search engine.

Sally Guger
Lakespur Blue Pottery & Sculpture
Lodi, Wisnosin, USA

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