Allyson May on thu 25 may 06
Hey Randy,
I agree with Lisa. Nice thick rim so you can whack the spoon with out =
fear. Also, a little overhang toward the outside of the rim so you have =
something to grab on to while holding the bowl up with one hand and =
scraping out the last of the mixture. An alternative would be to make a =
batter bowl with a pouring spout and a small handle. Batter bowls seem =
to go pretty fast in these parts.
Allyson May
Stoney Creek Pottery
Bloomington, IN
Lili Krakowski on thu 25 may 06
Mixing bowls lead hard lives.
They must be sturdy.
Mixing bowls often are used one handed--as when one holds on to the thing
with Hand #1 and beats whatever is in it with Hand #2.
Mixing bowls must be stable.
Hand held electric mixers splatter a lot. Mixing bowls must be deep.
Mixing bowls get really yucky...splatters and all.
Mixing bowls should be eminently cleanable! I suggest avoiding clever glaze
effects that make Cook need a magnifying glass
to check is that is Sauce Marchand de Vin or a glaze effect on the outside.
Mixing bowls take up room. Ideally they can be stacked one inside the
Among the lazy (Count me in!) mixing bowls often do double duty as serving
bowls. Hint. I think plain but purty best.
(This is not a recipe: but somewhere Colette has a paen to escargots.Mmm)
Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage
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