Arnold Howard on wed 31 may 06
----- Original Message -----
From: "mel jacobson"
> vendors love clayart. they have employees that read it
> every day.
> many more than you may even think. i count many of the
> vendors
> as really fine friends.
If you have a moment, look at the inside back cover of the
June/July issue of Ceramics Monthly. The new Paragon color
ad that features Jonathan Kaplan and Annie Chrietzberg is
due to Clayart.
I first discovered Clayart in 1999. Around that time I did a
search for "Paragon" in the archives. I found a wealth of
comments, positive and negative, including a list of
complaints on Paragon kilns that Jonathan Kaplan had
written. I phoned him for more details and distributed
copies of his list to the office staff at Paragon. That is
the background behind the Paragon ad.
You are doing a manufacturer a favor when you complain. Open
communication is vital.
Arnold Howard
Paragon Industries, L.P., Mesquite, Texas USA /
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