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reduction. request for information

updated sat 3 jun 06


Hank Murrow on wed 31 may 06

On May 31, 2006, at 6:50 PM, Ivor and Olive Lewis wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> Following Mel's lead I wonder if there are some of you who would share=20=

> your experiences and observations with me.
> I am particularly interested in those cases where you may have had=20
> unusual or unexpected results that seem to indicate reduction=20
> chemistry where none should exist.

Dear Ivor;

I tried John Britt's r=E9gime of complete oxidation throughout the =
to Cone 10 to see if I could match his oil-spot glazes. While it was=20
hard to check often enough to keep the kiln out of reduction, I=20
succeeded and got the oil spots galore. He says that the iron reduces=20
spontaneously around cone 9, producing big blisters if the glaze is on=20=

thick enough. sure enough, I saw big(1/2' across) blisters forming near=20=

the rims where the glaze was thickest. These healed to form lovely oil=20=

spot effects upon cooling.

Cheers, Hank

Ivor and Olive Lewis on thu 1 jun 06

Dear Friends,
Following Mel's lead I wonder if there are some of you who would share =
your experiences and observations with me.
I am particularly interested in those cases where you may have had =
unusual or unexpected results that seem to indicate reduction chemistry =
where none should exist, for example from a firing in an electric kiln. =
Conversely there may be some of you who have been deliberately reducing =
in wood, oil or gas firings but did not get the anticipated colour =
transmutations.Or are you doing unusual, intuitive things such as Mel =
with his downfiring and getting something you cannot explain with the =
current knowledge of reduction firing.
Looking forward to learning of interesting experiences.
Best regards to all,
Ivor Lewis.
South Australia.
On an unusual rainy day in Redhill, wishing I had a kilnload to fire.

Ivor and Olive Lewis on fri 2 jun 06

Dear Hank Murrow,

Thank you for that Information.

A couple of points.

Reading that this will happen will give other folk the courage to go =
ahead and try this regimen.

I think this is more of the nature of Decomposition of the Iron oxide =
rather than reduction since the Oxygen does not react with anything =
else, except perhaps the fuel gas once it escapes from the surface. But =
who cares if the results are there.

Thanks for the info. It will go into the file.

Best regards,
