LindaC on sat 10 jun 06
UMMMMM lilacs smell good to me! Will never forget the day I mentioned to my
best friend in Japan how I had enjoyed the stand of "bamboo" I saw at one of
the tiny local cemeteries on a bike ride. She looked at me puzzled and
murmured ie(what?) I reiterated "bamboo" and drew a picture whereupon she
when "ahhhh--takay!(sp)" I just about cried. My Japanese so crappy and I
thought bamboo was the Japanese word for bamboo, but no---takay!
Consolation is that the same sun, moon, and stars shine on us all even if
language makes them all a different word to identify em. Am waiting for the
handheld computer that will do simultaneous translation in any
language...and until then, will continue wave my hands, and practice my lame
nihongo(Japanese)! Best, linda/Oh
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