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fritting about & gas kiln thanks

updated tue 11 jul 06


marianne kuiper milks on mon 10 jul 06

OK. Here's the scoop.
My bath was long after the firing, and I hate 2/3rd of the pieces (glaze death) but LOVE some of the other pieces, one in particular. The one I was most anxious about. So that is good. (J Hesselberth's Weathered Bronze for electric...great in gas as well!) But the first full set of plates I made ever...well..better not go there.

Thank you all for your response. So many great, useful and thoughtful pieces of advice, on and off clayarrt. The ONE clear thread throughout was: YOUR BURNERS.
I will remove them, clean them, re-measure all and run many trials with test tiles only. I am encouraged by those who have the same kiln and say that EVENTUALLY it will work. It is not a very nice word, and should not have to be that way, but it does show roses down my path. Coleman red.

I, too, had spoken to Mr.It from Olympic, two? years ago. He was rude and very defensive. Not what I get from other companies and not smart for future business. So you're not the only one!

I am excited an no longer so down-trodden. Will keep you posted, whether you want to or not!

And the frit issue: I have a question about that. I mentioned once that the Frits don't always have numbers and was told I was nuts. This is so true. But in Michael Bailey's Glaze Book, he speaks of "high expansion frits' and "low expansion frits". I went through every list, chart, book I had and cannot figure this out. Some clear space in my fog, anyone??

Thanks again and Carpe Diem before the grump next door snatches it away!

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John Hesselberth on mon 10 jul 06

On Jul 10, 2006, at 5:29 PM, marianne kuiper milks wrote:

> (J Hesselberth's Weathered Bronze for electric

Hi Marinne,

That is Pete Pinnell's glaze, not mine. I am us an admirer of if.

