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the oxide handbook

updated thu 20 jul 06


Ivor and Olive Lewis on mon 17 jul 06

Dear Friends,=20
Some of you may find useful information in this text.
Editor, G. V. Samsonov, "The Oxide Handbook" 1973. ISBN 0-306-65157-2.
Very expensive (if I wished to get a copy) but should be available in =
State Reference or major University Libraries. Over 500 pages.

Extract of interest for those working with Copper Glazes on pp 214-215 =
under the heading " ll Thermal and Thermodynamic Properties, 24 Thermal =
Stability Characteristics

"29 Cu2O Unstable below 375 deg C and decomposes to CuO and Cu. Stable =
on heating in air only above 1070 deg C. Oxidation to cupric oxide =
begins below this temperature. Converted almost completely into CuO with =
prolonged calcination above 800 deg C. Melts without decomposition. =
Appreciable decomposition above 1800 deg C.
CuO. Unstable compound, decomposes appreciably beginning at 800 deg C, =
decomposes completely in pure oxygen at 1100 deg C. Quite stable to =
heating: decomposes to Cu2O and oxygen begins only at about 1000 deg C =
(oxygen pressure if 1.013*10^5 N/m^2 reached at 1110 deg C)
Cu2O3 Looses oxygen on heating to 100 deg C and converted completely to =
CuO at 400 deg C.
CuO2 Unstable; decomposes completely to CuO even in oxygen atmosphere at =
100-150 deg C"

Looking at some of the other oxides common to studio ceramic practice is =
also enlightening. Some entries show that we should be cautious about =
our belief that many compounds decompose leaving oxide residues.

Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
South Australia.

Lily Hume on tue 18 jul 06


I have been looking for The Oxide Handbook to add to my personal library
for some time. If you or anyone else for that matter knows where I could
obtain a copy please contact me offline. Thanks.

Lily Hume

Fred Parker on tue 18 jul 06

Thanks for sharing, Ivor. This is good stuff!


Fred Parker

On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 13:24:29 +0930, Ivor and Olive Lewis

>Dear Friends,
>Some of you may find useful information in this text.
>Editor, G. V. Samsonov, "The Oxide Handbook" 1973. ISBN 0-306-65157-2.
>Very expensive (if I wished to get a copy) but should be available in
State Reference or major University Libraries. Over 500 pages.
>Extract of interest for those working with Copper Glazes on pp 214-215
under the heading " ll Thermal and Thermodynamic Properties, 24 Thermal
Stability Characteristics
>"29 Cu2O Unstable below 375 deg C...

Ivor and Olive Lewis on wed 19 jul 06

I have been looking for The Oxide Handbook to add to my personal library
for some time. If you or anyone else for that matter knows where I could
obtain a copy please contact me offline. Thanks.

Lily Hume>>

Dear Lily,

I do not know where you are but I have a contact or =
you can e-mail at

We have used them a couple of times. They give a good service at cost we =
can afford.

I will not be competing against you for this one. Though it is =
comprehensive and very thorough I don't thing there is sufficient =
information for the average Jack or Jill Potter. For example; the table =
for Linear Coefficients of Thermal Expansion has nothing to say about =
the Alkali Metal Oxides though it does give values for CaO, MgO,SiO2.and =

I will do the usual with the few pages I need.. As I said, it's a pricey =

Best regards,
