kim b. on thu 27 jul 06
Hey All; Hope your weather isn't as HOT as N.
Colorado! I am looking for a texture mat or some other
way to make a honeycomb pattern. My husband is a
beekeeper, and his friend is a beekeeper and we are
also thinking about starting a Meadery (honey wine).
SO, I figured I could use my clay talents(limited as
they are) to create HONEY/honeybee/mead related
pottery items. I LOVE texture so it fits me. I found
some small texture sheets, used for Fimo clay I think,
but I am looking for 8x10 or larger texture mats.
thanks in advance for any help, kim
Kim Bowdish, KGB POTTERY, Severance, Colorado 970-686-6706
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Nancy Braches on fri 28 jul 06
Kim here is the website for chinese clay art. Also there is a seller on ebay who sells the same thing...
"kim b." wrote: Hey All; Hope your weather isn't as HOT as N.
Colorado! I am looking for a texture mat or some other
way to make a honeycomb pattern. My husband is a
beekeeper, and his friend is a beekeeper and we are
also thinking about starting a Meadery (honey wine).
SO, I figured I could use my clay talents(limited as
they are) to create HONEY/honeybee/mead related
pottery items. I LOVE texture so it fits me. I found
some small texture sheets, used for Fimo clay I think,
but I am looking for 8x10 or larger texture mats.
thanks in advance for any help, kim
Kim Bowdish, KGB POTTERY, Severance, Colorado 970-686-6706
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Snail Scott on fri 28 jul 06
At 01:17 PM 7/27/2006 -0700, Kim B. wrote:
>...I am looking for a texture mat or some other
>way to make a honeycomb pattern...
How about making a plaster mold from one of
those honeycomb-textured wax sheets that
hobby stores sell for candle making?
Sometimes when making a plaster mold from a
wax pattern, the wax can melt into the plaster
as it heats up during hardening. It may not
happen with that wax, and it may not matter
much for a press mold, but to prevent this
from happening, use some spray shellac on
the wax before making the mold. Use your
normal mold release (I prefer soap) on top
of the shellac.
William & Susan Schran User on fri 28 jul 06
On 7/27/06 4:17 PM, "kim b." wrote:
> I am looking for a texture mat or some other
> way to make a honeycomb pattern.
Try an online search for "honeycomb grids" for photo lighting products.
This is one type of diffuser used on lighting.
-- William "Bill" Schran
Fredericksburg, Virginia
John Post on fri 28 jul 06
Hi Kim,
If you can't find the right texture mat, you could always make one.
Make a flat plaster slab.
Then draw your pattern on it with pencil.
Then get a linoleum cutting tool from your art supply store and use it
along with a straight edge to incise a crisp pattern into the plaster.
When you are done, roll out a slab of clay that is slightly thicker than
you would like your finished slab to be,
then lay two wood dowels that are the correct thickness on top of your
honey comb plaster slab.
Lay your pre-flattened clay slab on top and then roll it to its final
It's hard to explain in words, but I hope the idea came across ok.
Good Luck,
John Post
Sterling Heights, Michigan
kim b. wrote:
> I am looking for a texture mat or some other
>way to make a honeycomb pattern.
Barbara Lewis on fri 28 jul 06
Kim: Would woven cane, like in a chair seat, create a honeycomb pattern?
----- Original Message -----
From: "kim b."
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:17 PM
Subject: honeycomb texture?
> Hey All; Hope your weather isn't as HOT as N.
> Colorado! I am looking for a texture mat or some other
> way to make a honeycomb pattern. My husband is a
> beekeeper, and his friend is a beekeeper and we are
> also thinking about starting a Meadery (honey wine).
> SO, I figured I could use my clay talents(limited as
> they are) to create HONEY/honeybee/mead related
> pottery items. I LOVE texture so it fits me. I found
> some small texture sheets, used for Fimo clay I think,
> but I am looking for 8x10 or larger texture mats.
> thanks in advance for any help, kim
> Kim Bowdish, KGB POTTERY, Severance, Colorado 970-686-6706
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
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> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Christie Huff on fri 28 jul 06
I have purchased textture mats from Aftosa. They don't list a "honeycomb"
texture mat , but they have one that is called "rocks" that looks
honeycomb-ish. Take a look at
Christie Huff
Carrollton, MS
Doug Carpenter on fri 28 jul 06
I would think that the wax base sheets your husband uses in his honey frames
would be a good template. You could probably use them to make a plaster
----- Original Message -----
From: "kim b."
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 3:17 PM
Subject: honeycomb texture?
> Hey All; Hope your weather isn't as HOT as N.
> Colorado! I am looking for a texture mat or some other
> way to make a honeycomb pattern. My husband is a
> beekeeper, and his friend is a beekeeper and we are
> also thinking about starting a Meadery (honey wine).
> SO, I figured I could use my clay talents(limited as
> they are) to create HONEY/honeybee/mead related
> pottery items. I LOVE texture so it fits me. I found
> some small texture sheets, used for Fimo clay I think,
> but I am looking for 8x10 or larger texture mats.
> thanks in advance for any help, kim
> Kim Bowdish, KGB POTTERY, Severance, Colorado 970-686-6706
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> Send postings to
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
John Britt on fri 28 jul 06
Try getting "foundation" from the bee keepers and making a plaster mold
from that. (I think the largest is 9" or so, but you could piece it
together to make the mold.)
It is really beautiful!
Hope it helps,
John Britt
Jeanie Silver on sat 29 jul 06
How about making a printing plate from bisque? You could make an individual
hexagonal stamp from a clay coil with sharply cut facets. Bisque it,then
use it to impress the pattern in a half-inch clay slab. Dry your slab
slowly, bisque that, and you have a very cheap,totally personal texture of
your own. You could even incorporate your family's initials as part of the
structure of the honeycomb...
Jeanie in Pa.
MLC on mon 7 aug 06
I am so far behind on reading my email. but since no one else
suggested these sites. It is basically for the Polyclay. but
millie in md
> I am looking for a texture mat or some other
> way to make a honeycomb pattern.
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