kim b. on tue 1 aug 06
Thanks all who gave me suggestions for making
honeycomb texture. I contacted (a
catalog my beekeeping husband gets) and Shane wrote
back to suggest Pierco Deep Foundation sheets that are
9x17, 10 sheets for $9.50. I figure this is a pretty
cheap way to experiment!
Also wanted to mention that I only recieve clay art
daily digest only periodically. Sometimes everyday,
sometimes once a week, some times twice a month. Is
this because there aren't any posts or am I missing
some? I use to get it everyday?
Cool here in Colorado, but thankfully NO RAIN right
where we are because we are only 2/3 of the way done
building our strawbale shop/barn. Farmers praying for
rain and I am praying for no rain?!?! take care all,
Kim Bowdish, KGB POTTERY, Severance, Colorado 970-686-6706
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