The Soltysiaks on fri 4 aug 06
Interesting discussion concerning web sites and their benefit validity =
for the artist. I for one think a well done web site can be achieved =
for little money and can be a great asset to an artist. =20
As an artist you are also a business person and marketing is a valuable =
tool to any business...affordable marketing is necessary to financial =
success. I know of artists who have spent $1,500-$8,000 on a web =
site...yikes that is a lot of clay sales before a return on investment =
is achieved.
3+ years ago I wanted a web site but could not afford to have one =
created by a professional. I heard about from a friend =
and went online and did my homework. I purchased their web site =
creating program for $14.99, purchased a domain name for $7.95 year and =
host my web site for $3.95 a month including web statistics. I have =
since added a e-mail newsletter to keep in contact with my customers, =
and traffic blazer to achieve better results on search engines. I spend =
about $100 a year for my web site and the return is FAR GREATER than the =
investment. Plus...I think that creating the web site myself I am able =
to give it the feel that I like and I am able to update it anytime I =
want with little effort.
At first it seemed like learning a foreign language and I didn't think I =
would be able to achieve something that was of a quality that I would be =
happy with, but I very happy with the overall results. It did take a =
fair amount of time in the beginning to learn the art of creating a web =
site, but like anything else with time it becomes easy. I spend very =
little time on my web site and the business I get from having it is well =
worth the time and money invested.=20
My web site is This web site is a very important =
marketing tool for my business. Some artists do not see the value in =
marketing directly to your customers, I find it essential. Every artist =
finds that niche which works for them and a web site can have value, =
provided it is done well. =20
.....on another note. There are still a few spaces available for the =
Tony and Mindy Winchester workshop being hosted at my studio in =
Fennville, MI on September 9th. The workshop is from 10am-4pm and is =
$40 per person, reservations required. There is a meet the artists' =
reception from 7pm-10pm that evening. If you are unfamiliar with Tony =
and Mindy's work visit my web site to learn them...They are fantastic!
Back to the studio,
Dawn Soltysiak
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