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[csf-l] call for clay to cure leukemia

updated wed 13 sep 06


pattersonn@AOL.COM on tue 12 sep 06

Hi -- Stacey --

What a great thing you are doing and I totally support you in your efforts and especially in honoring Michael Simon. Unfortunately, I can't get a clay piece to you because I'm in Santiago Chile (waiting on my second grandchild -- any day now) but I can support with a contribution that can get to you within a week or so. If this is satisfactory, please email me info on how to make out a check and your address -- or should I send it to Callanwolde?

Thanks for the invitation to be a part of this.

Take care -- Margaret
M a r g a r e t F. P a t t e r s o n

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:58 PM
Subject: [CSF-l] Call for Clay to Cure Leukemia

Hey Everyone-
On one of the hardest days of the year for all of us I am hoping to give you a glimmer of light and hope.
My name is Stacey Pearson and I am a potter in Atlanta, GA. I am an assistant at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center and I am currently training for a half marathon (13.1 miles) as part of Team in Training for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. My job is to raise money for the cure, and in exchange Team in Training promised to get me in shape for the event.
The inspiration:
I am doing this run to honor all of the people who have cancer and are couragously fighting and in memory of those who have lost. This race is also intended to honor the families and friends of those living with cancer as well as those who have lost a loved one. My good friend Katie lost her battle with Leukemia at the young age of 18. She had and amazing ability to make everyone feel like the most important person in the world and she is deeply missed by all who were blessed to know her. I am also fortunate enough to have spoken with Michael Simon. I asked his permission to run in honor of him, and he said "as many times as you want!" Well, I just want to make it through the one for right now, but here is where you all come in:
In exactly ONE month I will be holding a silent auction. It will be specifically in honor of Michael, Katie, and my team's honored hero Michelle. I am asking everyone to go into their studios and find the piece whose fate is to help cure cancer. Glenn Dair has been kind enough to allow me to get all pottery, or ceramic sculptures sent to Callanwolde's pottery studio so here is what you need to know:
* The goal is to raise money, to find the cancer as soon as possible, to kill the cancer, and to make life as comfortable as possible during the treatments.
* Every single cent of the proceeds go directly to Leukemia Lymphoma Society and this donation tax deductable.
* I will not be able to pay the shipping for you, but that may be tax deductible too?
* The piece can either be sent or hand delivered to: Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
Pottery Studio
Attn: Stacey Pearson
980 Briarcliff Rd NE
Atlanta GA
* Please include your name, address, phone number or email, materials used, title (if applicable), and any information you think is important about the piece, suggested retail value, as well as the minimum starting bid
* I will be sending you all an acknowledgement after recieving the piece on LLS letterhead thanking you for your generosity, I believe this will serve as your information for your taxes.

I have never set up an event of this caliber, so if anyone sees something that I have missed, please feel free to email me, also if you have any questions:
I want to thank you in advance for you generosiy and look for a post in the near future with an invitation to the event.
Stacey Pearson

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