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engineers? teapot design

updated sun 1 oct 06


Ivor and Olive Lewis on sat 30 sep 06

Dear Jodi isaac,

I suppose the first thing to ask is "How Much Tea" do you intend making, =
what capacity do you need ?

Knowing this you can use geometric formulae and an assumed density value =
(2.4) to calculate the required weight of clay for a given wall =
thickness, after allowing for shrinkage.

Otherwise, there are some books that suggest the weight of clay needed =
for average pottery shapes. See "Functional Pottery" by Robin Hopper and =
"The Craft of the Potter" by Michael Casson.

But I doubt if you will ever find information in books or magazines that =
will instruct you how to accomplish this for your own individual designs =
and inventions.

Best regards.

Ivor Lewis.
South Australia.