Veena Raghavan on mon 2 oct 06
I believe you can reach Mel Jacobsen at
In a message dated 10/2/2006 11:25:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,
kelley40@RENINET.COM writes:
> I needed to email the moderator the address given at the bottom of our
> emails is not working. Any ideas?
kelley40 on mon 2 oct 06
I needed to email the moderator the address given at the bottom of our
emails is not working. Any ideas?
Snail Scott on tue 3 oct 06
> kelley40@RENINET.COM wrote:
>> I needed to email the moderator the address given at the bottom of our
>> emails is not working. Any ideas?
I believe that our Principal Backup Moderator,
Joyce Lee, is moderating right now.
Her address is: joycelee1@VERIZON.NET
Unfortunately, it's not feasible to change the
instructions in the footer every time there is a
temporary moderator swap.
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