Stephanie Albright on thu 16 nov 06
I really want to try out the moist heat drying box ideas that I've read
about. I of course am new to not "having a piece loose under a plastic bag
wrapped in damp strips of pillow case FOREVER" to dry. I have a metal
freestanding wardrobe that I want to use the heat/pan of water/slabs of
plaster wick concept with. What I want to use is a little Coleman propane
personal tent heater. It's max is 3000 BTUs. The cabinet is a little over
40 cubic feet. How far above the heat source should the water be? How many
holes should be drilled in the ceiling and how many in the sides? The
cabinet shuts but is not sealed around the doors. Should it be? There
seems to be alot of physics behind this method and I want to get this
right. I have seen everything from food dehydrators to space heaters or
kiln elements used, so why not? I make cat sculptures, so the thickness of
the clay is not, and never will, be uniform. The only hope I have is
ambient heat and moisture to equalize. Any suggestions would be
appreciated. I am worried about too much/not enough heat, too much/not
enough moisture. THANKS, Steph
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