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pigskin surface on c10 soda-fired work

updated mon 27 nov 06


Jaclyn Baiata on sun 26 nov 06

I just pulled some porcelain pots out of a soda kiln and noticed that all of the pots I glazed with
Haystack Clear (a cone9-10 reduction glaze) had a surface resembling pigskin exclusively on all the
exterior points of contact with soda (the interior is the glaze surface/transparancy I anticipated).
Does anyone out there know why this happens?Furthermore, does anyone know if re-firing these
pieces sans soda would bring the glaze surface back to its typical semi-gloss clear surface?
100% recipe is as follows:
custer 20%
neph sy 5
whiting 25
EPK 20
flint 30
+bentonite 4%
Thanks so much! I am eager to hear your astute responses!
Best, Jaclyn