Craig Clark on sat 2 dec 06
Cathy, here is the link to an archived thread from a few years back.
John Rogers and Craig from Arizona (not me) had very good suggestions.
There is also a hand held slide rule looking calculator that US Gypsum
gives away through their distributors. Ask the folks where you bought
the plaster from if they have any. Her is the
Hope this helps
Craig Dunn CLark
619 East 11 1/2 St
Houston, Texas 77008
Cathy Elliot wrote:
> I know this is a really basic question, but I need to ask: I am making
> a wedging board. The dimensions will be 2 3/4" thick x 24" x26".This will
> make 1716 cubic inches. I need to know how much water and how much #1
> Pottery plaster I will need to fill the form I have made to make this wedging board.
> I just don't want to guess. I'm sure it's only mathematics, but I don't know
> how to go about it!
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Cathy Elliot on sat 2 dec 06
I know this is a really basic question, but I need to ask: I am making
a wedging board. The dimensions will be 2 3/4" thick x 24" x26".This will
make 1716 cubic inches. I need to know how much water and how much #1
Pottery plaster I will need to fill the form I have made to make this wedging board.
I just don't want to guess. I'm sure it's only mathematics, but I don't know
how to go about it!
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