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"china paint & overglaze" goes to china

updated thu 14 dec 06


Jeanette Harris on tue 12 dec 06

Congratulations! It's so great that it will be out before NCECA.

Well Done, Paul!

Jeanette Harris
Clay Engineer
Poulsbo WA

Paul Lewing on tue 12 dec 06

I'm delighted to announce that the book I've been working on for 3
1/2 years, "China Paint & Overglaze", has gone off to the printer in
China. Release date is scheduled for March 1, in time for NCECA. It
ended up being 240 pages, with 295 pictures, and work by 80 different
artists, as well as historical work. I feel like I've given birth.
I just wish it weren't three months between the end of labor and
My goal when I started this was to produce a book that would appeal
to both traditional china painters and clay artists who use the
material. And I wanted both groups to say, "Damn, I had no idea!"
By the way, there's not a single brown pot in it- it's all pretty
flashy stuff. One of my long-term goals for it is to introduce the
china paint community and the potter community to each other, because
they have almost no contact now. This is the first book that has
presented the work of both together equally.
I'm on another list like Clayart, for china painters, Porcelain
Painters International Online, and I can't imagine how this could
have been done without the help and support of both these families.
There are a few Clayart folks with pictures in the book, including
believe it or not, John Baymore. There's another connection between
the book and Clayart, but I'm going to save that announcement for later.
Paul Lewing

Veena Raghavan on wed 13 dec 06

Congratulations! Thst is wonderful!

All the best, happy holidays, and I look forward to seeing you and the book


In a message dated 12/12/2006 11:52:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,
pjlewing@COMCAST.NET writes:
> I'm delighted to announce that the book I've been working on for 3
> 1/2 years, "China Paint &Overglaze", has gone off to the printer in
> China. Release date is scheduled for March 1, in time for NCECA.

Snail Scott on wed 13 dec 06

At 08:07 PM 12/12/2006 -0800, Paul L. wrote:
>My goal when I started this was to produce a book that would appeal
>to both traditional china painters and clay artists who use the

It sounds like a long-overdue reference.
I have learned what little I know of china
painting mainly through trial and error
(especially error), and by reading old china-
painting how-to books. These are generally
so project-focused ('how to do roses', etc)
or else refer so often to apparently obsolete
materials as to be quite frustrating.

China painting is definitely on the rise
in contemporary art, often integrating
traditional motifs and styles. It sounds
like your book is what a great many people
have been waiting for. Congratulations!
