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ron roy: a sad event to report

updated fri 15 dec 06


Gail Dapogny on thu 14 dec 06

Hi everyone,

It might be that, because of David Hewitt's unexpected and sad death
this past week, many of you might have missed the fact that Ron Roy's
lovely wife, Lucy, died also unexpectedly just days ago.

Ron Roy is one of the longtime pillars of the Clayart list, and has
been for a vast number of years. Ron puts himself out on the list,
purely as a giver of information, graciously and thoughtfully.
Without him, we would not be where we are today in terms of glaze and
clay information and health issues and the many speculations that we
all share and even take for granted. He is quite possibly the most
generous person on Clayart. His advice is spare and insightful. He
will spend hours on someone's problem, and that person will never be
the wiser about the time Ron has spent.

For years. I persistently tapped into his brain and his experience
and information. There came a time when he invited me to come and
spend some time at his home and studio to pursue some problems that
seemed unsolvable via e-mail. I joyously accepted, and spent four
days at their home on the north shore of Lake Ontario, east of
Toronto. Ron was fabulous; we spent hours in the clay studio and
even more hours in his computer studio working on problems. And we
walked on the shore of that beautiful lake, and talked about clay and
glazes and pots and took the time to revel in the lovely wildlife
around us. And we all--the whole family-- ate from the bounty of
their impressive garden, supplemented by wonderful fish.

Equally fabulous was his sweet wife, Lucy, with whom I instantly
bonded. When Ron was napping, Lucy and I were sharing ideas and
opinions and much laughter. It soon became clear to me that she was
an absolute jewel. And then there was Minette, their lovely daughter
and, lucky me, she and I also bonded, on a different level, in a new
way, with so much to share and so little time in which to do it. And
I still remember with wistful sighs the great massage she gave me;
that is among her great areas of expertise. Both were wonderful,
independent, intelligent, feisty, gentle, generous (the Roy stamp)
women, absolutely the best.

Lucy was a huge part of Ron's life, and I cannot even imagine what he
must be going through.

He is our treasure. Please give him your condolences and love and

Gail Dapogny
Ann Arbor, Michigan

On Dec 9, 2006, at 12:44 PM, John Hesselberth wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> It is our very difficult task to tell you of a terrible tragedy that
> has struck the family of one of Clayart's most helpful and longest
> standing members. Lucy Roy, Ron's wife, had a heart attack on Tuesday
> morning and died instantly.
> Ron and his family are doing what has to be done, but are not yet
> prepared to deal with inquiries or even expressions of condolence. If
> you are a close friend of Ron's a card would be appropriate--he can
> set those aside until he is prepared to open them--but, please, no
> emails or phone calls.
> Plans are not firm at this point, but any services near term will be
> private to the family. Ron is considering a memorial service after
> the first of the year. Ron will be off Clayart for a while, but we
> are sure he will return when he is able.
> Ron's mailing address is
> 15084 Little Lake Road
> Brighton, Ontaria
> Canada
> Sadly,
> John Hesselberth
> Liz Willoughby
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