stephani stephenson on tue 23 jan 07
This post i think was dropped and one i sent the other
you know , in typing one of those last posts on this
topic i made a goof
BOTH Cushing and the Insight Article state that the
Saturation coefficient should be LESS than 0.78...i
left out the word "Less than" when i referred to the
Insight article
also i referred to a "porpous" clay body !
sorry about that, i don't do that very dolphin.....
also , one other observation i made one time
about the VALUE of
a porous claybody.
I had some porous slightly underfired pavers
yet strong pavers neverthe less.
they were extras.
some of them i sealed thoroughly with a penetrating
the others i did not seal
they were about 1 to 1 1/4 " thick,heavily grogged
the grog grains stood out slightly on the paver
surface, helping to make a nice slip proof surface
i put them outside, laid flat, during a rainy spell
rainwater immediately beaded up on the sealed tiles
even though the pavers had a slightly domed center the
water would have collected in pools.. had they been
it made even the grogged pavers somewhat slippery.
meanwhile i noticed a beautiful phenomena
the unsealed pavers absorbed the rain...
with intermittent showers
the water NEVER pooled on the surface
i.e. the surface always remained slip proof
in between the intermittent showers the water which
had absorbed into
the clay evaporated back out.
these pavers were like a wonderful breathing organism,
inhaling and exhaling the water, always providing sure
in certain climates you couldn't get a more ideal
so , the lesson is that the ideal claybody depends
not only upon the use but the climate....
and of course the porpoise!
Stephani Stephenson
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