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super duty firebrick in soda kilns

updated fri 26 jan 07


shane mickey on thu 25 jan 07

ya know, pam said the same to my buddy and he actually went with their high duty(jet DP) for his woodsoda kiln due to cost savings. I see their point about porosity and certain high duty brick are more dense then super duty. larkin normaly sells a brick by ap green called an alamo, they have nearly the same chemical comp as a clipper but seem to use a larger particle size for their mix? very open brick. I personally choose either a ap green clipper or rockspars (frompremier refractories in snowshow pa) these are fairly dense super duty brick and hold up well to soda and salt. call pam and ask if they have any clippers, not alamos, if they do then go with clipper if not, well? its a toss up. i just feel that the jets do not hold up well in the firebox, and whatever you do do not use the jets as furniture, i have some and they are slumpin, also slumpin in antoher kiln down the road. larkin normally has clipper soaps which are great for furniture, my biggest pet peave is to not
skimp on kiln furniture. good luck
shane mickey
shane mickey pottery and kiln design services

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